-To arrange in a particular order
Describing Words:
Repetition, range, flowing,
This example of sequencing shows the audience how the technique can be used in extraordinary detail. We can see each component of the skater's movement. The amount of images within the frame allow the audience to dissect each individual phase of the move. The progression of the image is clearly shown to the audience by starting the move at the top left of the frame and then progressively moving down to the bottom right.
This image shows how we can use sequencing in nature and can learn from each aspect of the image. We can see how the bird slows down in order to stop at it's destination in time. We can learn a lot from this use of sequencing. We can even judge the speed that the bird is travelling in by looking at the distance within each image of the bird.
This image shows how sequencing can be used to tell a grand story over the course of years through simple visual differences. We can see that the person within the images has grown from being a child to their death. The image starts empty with in order to show that we com into this world with nothing. As the image continues, we see key items that define different moments in the persons life such as baby toys, games and iPods. As the child grows older we see pens and glasses to show maturity and work. As the image draws to an end, we see a bible. This shows that the person is being confronted with the inevitability of death and is attempting to seek comfort within religion. Finally we see that the image is dark and empty, meaning that the person has died, leaving as they started.
This image shows how informative the technique can be, as well as showing how effects such as motion can be replicated through this technique. This began as a result of a bet to find out if all four legs of a horse would leave the ground when they ran. Using this method, they were able to analyse each part of the range of movement in order to come to the conclusion that all four legs would leave the floor. This technique would go on to inspire the use of film by becoming such a unique way of telling miniature stories.
Personal definition: A collection of images which are placed to show some form progression
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